جامعة الخليج

Halic University





نسبة الخصم


رسوم القبول


لمحة عن جامعة الخليج

  • تأسست جامعة الخليج عام 1998  من طرف وقف الأطفال المصابين بسرطان الدم، وتُعد واحدة من أهم الجامعات الخاصة في تركيا في مجالات العلوم الصحية والهندسة والرياضة والفن.
  • تضم جامعة الخليج أكثر من 10000 طالب دولي، في 11 كلية ، ضمن ما يقارب 60 تخصص ، ولديها أربعة أحرم جامعية.
  • لديها أكثر من 60 معمل ومختبر للأبحاث العلمية ، منها معامل التشريح والجينات الوراثية والفيزياء وغيرها.

رؤية جامعة الخليج الخاصة

مع ازدياد الطلاب الدوليين الذين يرغبون بالدراسة في تركيا تهدف جامعة خليج منذ تأسيسها إلى أن تكون من الجامعات الرائدة في المجالات ذات الأولوية في الحياة ، واعتمدت بشكل كبير على التعليم والتدريس والبحث والتطوير في ذلك. كما أنها تلتزم بخدمة طلابها من خلال توفير أحدث أساليب البحث العلمي، وتضمن لهم تطوير مهاراتهم ومعارفهم من خلال دعم المناهج بالخبرات والأكاديميين .


لماذا تقدم من خلال Study GO

  • شركة ستاديكو هي وكيل رسمي لجامعة الخليج وممثل عنها وتقدم الشركة للطلاب الراغبين بالدراسة في الجامعة فرصة الحصول على خصم جزئى على الرسوم الدراسية تصل إلى 30%
  • يحصل الطالب على القبول بشكل مجاني بدون أي رسوم إضافية باعتبار الشركة وكيل رسمي للجامعة وممثل عنها
  • يحصل الطالب على استشارة مجانية من فريق العمل ويساعد الطالب في توجيهه واختيار التخصص المناسب له
  • يمكن للطالب التواصل مع فريق العمل 24  ساعة على مدار اليوم لكسب الوقت وعدم إضاعة الفرصة
  • يحصل الطالب على فرصة الاستقبال من المطار عند قدومه للتسجيل في الجامعة
  • يحصل الطالب على مساعدة في الجامعة من قبل ممثل عن شركة ستاديكو  يساعده في انهاء إجراءات التثبيت بالجامعة ويقوم الممثل بعد الانتهاء من إجراءات التسجيل ب الجامعة بتجهيز الملف الخاص ب إقامة الطالب ومساعدته في استخراج البطاقة الجامعية والكرت المخفض للطلاب  الخاص ب المواصلات في إسطنبول .


Bachelor – Halic University Years Language Price (USD)
Majors Before Discount After Discount
Computer Engineering 4 English 4000 4000
Electrical and Electronics Engineering 4 English 4000 4000
Industrial Engineering 4 English 4000 4000
Mechanical Engineering 4 English 4000 4000
Software Engineering 4 English 4000 4000
Medicine 6 English 13000 13000
Medicine 6 Turkish 16000 16000
Molecular Biology and Genetics 4 English 4000 4000
Translation and Interpreting 4 English/Turkish 4000 4000
Psychology 4 English 4000 4000
Psychology 4 Turkish 4000 4000
American Culture and Literature 4 English 4000 4000
Mathematics 4 Turkish 4000 4000
Turkish Language and Literature 4 Turkish 4000 4000
Business Administration 4 English 4000 4000
Business Administration 4 Turkish 4000 4000
Public Relations and Advertising 4 Turkish 4000 4000
Management Information Systems 4 English 4000 4000
Political Science and International Relations 4 Turkish 4000 4000
International Trade and Business 4 English 4000 4000
Industrial Product Design 4 Turkish 4000 4000
Interior Architecture 4 Turkish 4000 4000
Architecture 4 Turkish 4000 4000
Nutrition and Dietetics 4 Turkish 4000 4000
Nutrition and Dietetics 4 English 4000 4000
Midwifery 4 Turkish 4000 4000
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 4 Turkish 4000 4000
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 4 English 4000 4000
Nursing 4 Turkish 4000 4000
Nursing 4 English 4000 4000
Graphic Design 4 Turkish 4000 4000
Textile and Fashion Design 4 Turkish 4000 4000
Cartoon and Animation 4 Turkish 4000 4000
Gastronomy and Culinary Arts 4 Turkish 4000 4000
Opera 4 Turkish 4000 4000
Theatre 4 Turkish 4000 4000
Turkish Classical Music 4 Turkish 4000 4000
Coaching Education 4 Turkish 4000 4000
Physical Education and Sports Teaching 4 Turkish 4000 4000
Recreation 4 Turkish 4000 4000
Sports Management 4 Turkish 4000 4000
Sports Management 4 English 4000 4000
Diploma – Halic University Years Language Price (USD)
Majors Before Discount After Discount
Cookery 2 Turkish 2000 2000
Banking and Insurance 2 Turkish 2000 2000
Computer Technology 2 Turkish 2000 2000
Child Development 2 Turkish 2000 2000
Electronics Technology 2 Turkish 2000 2000
Physical Therapy 2 Turkish 2000 2000
Graphic Design 2 Turkish 2000 2000
Interior Design 2 Turkish 2000 2000
First and Emergency Aid 2 Turkish 2000 2000
Construction Technology 2 Turkish 2000 2000
Logistics 2 Turkish 2000 2000
Fashion Design 2 Turkish 2000 2000
Tourism and Hotel Management 2 Turkish 2000 2000
Anaesthesiology 2 Turkish 2000 2000
Electric 2 Turkish 2000 2000
Machinery 2 Turkish 2000 2000
Computer Programming 2 Turkish 2000 2000
Medical Imaging Techniques 2 Turkish 2000 2000
Master – Halic University Type Language Price (USD)
Majors Before Discount After Discount
Accounting and Auditing Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Accounting and Auditing With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Accounting and Financing Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Accounting and Financing With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Applied Mathematics Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Applied Mathematics With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Architecture Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Architecture With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Business Administration Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Business Administration With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Clinical Psychology With Thesis Turkish 10000 10000
Computational Science and Engineering With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Computer Engineering Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Computer Engineering With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Cyber Security Without Thesis English 5000 5000
Cyber Security Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Cyber Security With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Electronics and Communication Engineering Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Electronics and Communication Engineering With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Electrical and Electronics Engineering With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Engineering Management With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
General Psychology With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
General Psychology Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Graphic Design Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Graphic Design With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Hospital and Health Facilities Management Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Hospital and Health Facilities Management With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Industrial Design Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Industrial Design With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Industrial Engineering Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Industrial Engineering With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Industrial Engineering Without Thesis English 5000 5000
Industrial Engineering With Thesis English 6000 6000
Interior Architecture Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Interior Architecture With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
International Trade and Business Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
International Trade and Business With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
International Business Management Without Thesis English 5000 5000
International Business Management With Thesis English 6000 6000
Management and Information Systems Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Management and Information Systems With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Master of Business Administration Without Thesis English 5000 5000
Master of Business Administration With Thesis English 6000 6000
Mechanical Engineering With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Molecular Biology and Genetics Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Molecular Biology and Genetics With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Nursing Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Nursing With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Nutrition and Dietetics With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Physical Education and Sports With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Textile and Fashion Design Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Textile and Fashion Design With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Theater With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Theater Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Tourism Management Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Tourism Management With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Turkish Classical Music Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Turkish Classical Music With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
Turkish Language and Literature Without Thesis Turkish 5000 5000
Turkish Language and Literature With Thesis Turkish 6000 6000
PhD – Halic University Years Language Price (USD)
Majors Before Discount After Discount
Architecture 4 Turkish 8000 8000
Business Administration 4 Turkish 8000 8000
Nursing 4 Turkish 8000 8000
Nutrition and Dietetics 4 Turkish 8000 8000
Physical Education and Sports 4 Turkish 8000 8000
Physiotheraphy and Rehabilitation 4 Turkish 8000 8000
Textile and Fashion Design 4 Turkish 8000 8000
Turkish Classical Music 4 Turkish 8000 8000