Industrial engineering

Industrial engineering is an engineering discipline that seeks to optimize complex processes and products in the manufacturing sector, such as processes, systems, and organizations using principles of empirical analysis, managerial economics and organizational theory. Industrial engineers are concerned with the development of technical ability.

industrial engineering jobs:

  • Quality assurance inspector
  • Industrial electrician
  • Manufacturing production supervisor
  • Supply chain analyst
  • Cost estimator
  • Mechanical designer
  • Manufacturing technician
  • Industrial engineer
  • Quality engineer
  • Manufacturing engineer
  • Energy efficiency engineer
  • Process engineer
  • Mechanical engineer

Des étapes simples

Pour commencer vos études en Turquie

    Universities where the specialization is available

    Turkish private universities that offer Industrial Engineering programs are:

    University Language Price Before Price After Apply
    USKUDAR  English  3900 3900 Apply Now
    GELİSİM  Turkish 7000 3500 Apply Now
    TED  English 9000  9000 Apply Now
    OKAN  English  4500 4500 Apply Now
    OSTİM  English 15000 2000 Apply Now
    IŞIK  English 9000 4500 Apply Now
    OZYEGİN  English  14000  8400 Apply Now
    ATILIM  English  11000  9800 Apply Now
    KADİR HAS  English  12000  4500 Apply Now
    ALTINBAŞ  English  8500  3000 Apply Now
    ATLAS  English  3500  3150 Apply Now
    İSTANBUL TİCARET English 4000 3741 Apply Now
    AYDIN English 6000 6000 Apply Now
    BAHÇEŞEHİR English 7900 7900 Apply Now
    SABANCI English 19500 19500 Apply Now
    KULTUR English 5800 4930 Apply Now
    NİŞANTAŞI Turkish 7481 2450 Apply Now
    OSTİM Turkish 15000 2000 Apply Now
    MEDİPOL IST English 6250 4500 Apply Now

    React immediately to study Industrial engineering at the greatest Turkish faculties and benefit from discounts and unique services with STUDY GO for Educational Consultations, the exclusive agent for the most prestigious Turkish universities in Turkey.

    FAQs about specialization

    Students study four years to complete the specialization in Industrial engineering in private Turkish universities without the preparatory year for the language, whether English or Turkish.

    Registration does not require any special papers other than a high school diploma, a valid passport, and transcripts for the high school diploma.

    Registration in the specialization does not require acceptance tests, but rather an English or Turkish language certificate, according to the language of study, or a preparatory year for the language in the event that the student does not have a certificate.

    As Study Go is an official agent for private Turkish universities, it provides its students with special prices and special discounts to help them study in the most important universities.