Business Administration

Specialize in Business Administration and learn how to apply core management principles to a wide range of business situations, you will learn also the fundamentals of management, strategic planning and decision-making and latest skills, knowledge and current developments in management and leadership.

Business Administration degrees help you gain a solid understanding of the world of business and an appreciation for core business concepts that remain essential for any manager to understand. This degree is perfect for students who are looking to further their careers.

Business administration Graduates’ career opportunities:

  • Actuarial analyst
  • Tight
  • Business Analyst
  • Business Consultant
  • Business development Manager
  • Certified Management Accountant
  • Corporate investment banker
  • Data analyst
  • Management consultant
  • Project manager
  • Risk manager
  • Supply Chain Manager

Just simple steps

To start your study in Türkiye

    Universities where the specialization is available

    Distinguished staff and a current scientific curriculum characterize the most prestigious Turkish universities that teach business administration, which are:

    University Language Price Before Price After Apply
    Bilgi English 8100 6600 Apply Now
    Maltepe Turkish 4000 4000 Apply Now
    Antalya Bilim English 8300 3300 Apply Now
    Kadir Has English 9000 9000 Apply Now
    Halic Turkish 4000 4000 Apply Now
    Halic English 3500 3500 Apply Now
    Atilim Turkish 9800 9800 Apply Now
    Atilim English 9800 9800 Apply Now
    Izmir Ekonomy English 8000 8000 Apply Now
    Medipol English 3960 3960 Apply Now
    Ozeycin English 12000 7200 Apply Now
    Altinbas English 8500 4000 Apply Now
    Gelisim Turkish 7000 3500 Apply Now
    Gelisim English 7500 3750 Apply Now
    Aydin English 6000 5000 Apply Now
    Atlas English 7500 3150 Apply Now
    Okan Turkish 6500 4600 Apply Now
    Okan English 6500 4800 Apply Now
    BAU English 7900 7900 Apply Now

    React immediately to study business administration at the greatest Turkish faculties and benefit from discounts and unique services with STUDY GO for Educational Consultations, the exclusive agent for the most prestigious Turkish universities in Istanbul.

    FAQs about specialization

    Registration requires only a high school diploma and a valid passport.

    The number of years of studying business administration is four years, in addition to a preparatory year for the language in the event that an approved language certificate is not available

    Study costs range from 3000 to 12000 dollars annually, depending on the desired university and the language of study

    You can communicate directly with our educational consultants to provide you with all the required information and help you with direct registration within only two days